Friday, April 25, 2008

chap-14,CRCB Evaluating Internet Resources

Summary on chapter-14 CRCB Evaluating Internet Resources
Evaluating Internet sources of information helps to determine if they are reliable and useful.Knowing how to critically evaluate Internet material not only helps you become a better student,but will help you in your work life beyond college.Use the Internet source evaluation system describe in this chapter as a tool for assessing websites.As a reader and thinker,become an open minded skeptic by considering each website's Relevancy,Reliability,Credibility and Accuracy using the following seven steps;Know your Purpose,Double-check facts and sources,consider the source,Evaluate content,Determine intended audience,Evaluate the writing,Use what you already know.

chap-13,CRCB Reading beyond the words

Summary on chapter-13 from CRCB Reading Beyond the words
Critical Reading Comprehension invloves challenging yourself to understand what you read in your textbooks at different levels of complexity.Bloom's taxonomy lists six levels of critical thinking-Knowledge,Comprehension,Application,Analysis,Synthesis and Evaluation-that can use to deepen your understanding of textbook material.By creating and answering questions at each of these levels,you will be better able to predict the kinds of questions your instructor will ask on exam and better prepare to answer them.

chap-12,CRCB Identifying and Evaluating Arguments

Summary on chapter-12 from CRCB,Identifying and Evaluating Arguments
Arguments always have the structure of at least one reason and one conclusion.One way to detect them is to look for an author's conclusions and then track the reasons he or she used to reach them.Another way is to indicate when reasons are being presented and conclusions stated.when you find an argument,you should break it down into it's constituent parts so that you can determine whether is is well founded and logical.It can be evaluated using specific criteria including determining dependability,distinguishing fact from opinion and detecting fallacies.
Two primary types of arguments are deductive and inductive.Deductive have at least one premise that logically leads to a conclusion.
Inductive begin with a series of specific observations and conclude with a generalization that logically flows from them.

chap-11,CRCB Reading,Understanding,Creating Visual Aids

Summary on chapter-11 from Reading,Understanding,and Creating Visual Aids
Visual information reinforces and supplements reading material.Types of visual aids include mind maps,outlines,charts,diagrams,graphics,illustrations,photographs and time lines.The type of information being conveyed determines what type of visual aid an author will use.Learning how to read visuals helps to understand and remember the textual information they illustrate.
To create an effective visual aid,you have to recognize the important elements in whay you are reading and be able to priortize and organize themin a logical and useful format.It become obvious how well you know the material;you cant draw a diagram or devise a table if you dont understand what you have read or heard.In many instances,an effective visual will save from taking as many notes from your text or in lectures

chap-10,CRCB TextBook Marking

Summary on chapter-10 from CRCB TextBook Marking
Textbook marking is a systematic mark and label reading tool that helps you distinguish important ideas from less important ones.At a minimum,you should aim to mark and label the main idea,important details and new vocabulary in your textbook chapters.Three basic elements of textbook marking,you should use your experience in lecture and lab to decideif you need to mark more.Always mark information that is unclear,to remind yourself to find out what it means before you are tested on the material.
A personalized system will work well as long as it is consistent,makes sense to you and achieves the main goal of textbook marking;showing the relationships between ideas in what you read.

chap-9,CRCB Using Preview,Study-Read and Review(PSR)Strategies

Summary on chapter 9 from CRCB Using Preview,Study-Read,and Review(PSR)Strategies.
The PSR technique requires that you question yourself before,during and after you read.It encourages you to participate in a reader-author conversation rather than to read passively.In this conversation,you access what the author says and decide if it makes sense to also add what you know to the conversation by recalling related information.It helps to understand and remember the textmaterial.
The PSR technique also requires to respond to readings by writing in your journal.Commenting in writing hlps to digest and understand an author's ideas and articulate your own,By identifying exactly where you become confused in a reading ,you can return to that point and reread the relevant section of text.It hlps to understand the material on your own or alert you to the fact that you need to ask a classmate or instructor for help.

chap-8,CRCB Methods of Organization

Summary on chap-8,CRCB Methods of Organization
Textbook authors usually organize information using certain classic methods or patterns.Being able to recognize organizational methods will help you understand the ideas in your textbooks and how they are connected to each other because they will fit into logical patterns you are already familiar with.It will also hlp to remember what you have read,because you are not memorizing facts in isolation,but relating them to each other to form patterns that hold and organize them in your memory.A useful way to identify an author's method of organization is to look for the organizational word clues(OWCs)that indicate which patterns he or she is using.
It is important to access an author's overall method of organization,An author frequently use more than one method from paragraph to paragraph but hve one overall method for each textbook chapter

chap-12 TFYDeductive Reasoning

Summary on chap-12,from TFY Deductive Reasoning
Deductive reasoning is the process of starting with one or more statements called premises and investigating what conclusions necessarily follow from these premises.It is the subject of formal logic whose main concern is with creating forms that demostrate reasoning.Logic has it's own technical vocabulary.
Deductive and inductive reasoning are not isolated pursuits but are mentally interwoven both in major and mundane problem solving.It is possible to infer the rules of valid reasoning form the study of models.Syllogisms allow logicians to determine what is being said ,to identify hidden premises and to findout if the argument makes sense.

chap-11,TFY Inductive Reasoning and Inductive Fallacies

Summary for chap-11 Inductive Reasoning and Inductive Fallacies
Inductive reasoning is the process of thinking that you used in describing a fruit,vegetable or tool when you began by not knowing the identity of the identity of the covered object.It is also called the empirical or scentific method.
It can be done through sensory observation,enumeration,analogous reasoning,casual reasoning and pattern recognition.Inductive reasoning is used as a method for obtaining information when it would be impossible to examine all the data available.This is done by taking statistical samplings or by making extrapolations.A hypothesis is a trial idea that can be used to further investigation in an inductive study,the conclusion is a generalization that is probable but not certain.

chap-10,TFY Fallacies

Summary on chapter-10,Fallacies(What's a Faulty Argument?)
Word ambiguity uses undefined and vague words in an argument,seeking to gain an advantage by using words that could be interpreted in more than one way.Misleading euphemisms are words that hide meaning by wrapping a less acceptable idea in positive or neutral connotations.The use of euphemisms is fallacious in an argument when the goal is to be evasive,to mislead or to disarm awareness and objections.
Prejudicial language persuades through the use of loaded words that conveya bias while pretending to convey objective information.It appeals to false authority seeks to influence others by citing phony or inappropriate authorities.This false authority may be a person,a tradition or conventional wisdom.However,the appeal to an authentic and appropriate authority is not a fallacy,it can provide excellent support for claims

chap-9,TFY Argument

Summary on chapter-9 Argument (What's a Good Argument?)
The critical reading of arguments is an active endeavor that requires involvement,interaction with questions and evaluation.The questions asked in the critical reading of arguments are=
a)What viewpoint is the source of this argument?
b)What is the issue of controversy?
c)How is the argument structured in terms of reasons and conclusions?
d)What are the argument's strengths and weakness?
The analysis of arguments in terms of their reasons and conclusions applies to both inductive and deductive arguments.Reasons include data,evidence and premises,while conclusions include those deductively drawn as well as hypothesis.Arguments state and defend a claim in an attempt to persuade.It disguised as reports slant the facts and language toward a bias.

chap-8,TFY Viewpoint

Summar on Viewpoint(Problems of Critical Thinking)
Critical thinking means learning to recognize viewpoints and how they shape the content of any message.viewpoints-like assumptions,opinions and evaluations can be either conscious or unconscious.Unconscious viewpoints include the egocentric,ethnocentric and religiocentric.
Writers shape their stories through their choice of a point of view,their choices include third-person,first-person and multiple points of view.We communicate best when we are aware of our own viewpoint and can understand and respect the viewpoints of others as well.Periodicals can express viewpoints through images,words and in the framing given to information.Framing decisions made by an editor can exercise a hidden influence over the reader.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

chap-7 CRCB Using Inference to Identify Implied Main Ideas

Inference is a skill you practice everyday,inferring meaning from textbooks and other college reading material requires you to use specific strategies such as detecting an author's bias,noting comparisons and recognizing information gaps and to understand purpose of tone and use of key words and emotive language can be used as clues to his or her implied main idea.
In order to fully understand a reading assignment,one need to read the material and combine what is stated with the additional information you generate using inference as a tool.

chap-7 TFY Evaluation

Summary and ex's on chap-7 Evaluation

Evaluation make judgments about worth on the basis of standards that may be conscious or unconscious.It help us to react quickly to situations in which our survival is at stake but the same tendency to evaluate first instead of last may be problematic when we don't reexamine our evidence to make sure our evaluation is warranted.
Connotative words convey evaluations that can be used to sway our opinions.when we think critically,we recognize how these connotations affect our feelings so that we can choose or not choose to accept the opinions they contain.

Judge-determine the result of a competition,a public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice.
Appraise-to estimate the value of real estate
Estimate-an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth"an estimate of what it would take
Worth-an estimate of what it would cost.a rough idea how long it would take
Value=a numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed;the quality (positive or negative)that renders something desirable or valuable
Evaluate-in this final stage of multimedia development,the focus on evaluating the presentations effectiveness in light of its purpose and the assessment context

chap-7,TFY Evaluation

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

chap-6 CRCB Finding supporting details

Details are specific pieces of information that serve as the "arms and legs"of the main idea.They are usually presented as facts,opinions,examples,illustrations,explanations or definitions and are frequently discovered by asking questions.In order to understand a paragraph ,you need to be able to pinpoint the topic and locate the main idea.It is the "key concept" being expressed.It supports the main idea by telling how,what,when,where,why,how much,or how many.Location the topic,main idea and supporting details helps you understand the points ,the writer is attempting to express.Identifying the relationship between these will increase your comprehension.

chap-6 TFY Opinions

Opinions is based on an understanding of evidence and risks in a situation and is important and highly valued.It can be well substantiated or not.They can be based either on reasons or solely on whim,feelings,emotions or prejudice.We recognize the difference between responsible and irresponsible opinion and that we distinguish statements based on evidence from statements based solely on feelings.
  1. Expert opinion calculates the risk involved in spacing the gap between the known and the unknown for a particular situation.True
  2. Giving advice is not a way of offering an opinion.False
  3. The result of public opinion polls are equivalent to votes in elections.False
  4. Opinions in the forms of judgment state what is right and wrong,bad and good.True
  5. Some opinion are based on generalizations,such as stereotype,as in the statement"All Chinese look alike.True
  6. Responsible opinions are based on a careful examination of the evidence.False
  7. Opinion are the same as facts.False
  8. Gossip is opinion sharing without any requirement for substantiation.True
  9. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion because all opinion carry equal value.False
  10. Prevailing sentiment refers to popular opinion that changes with the times.True

chap-5 CRCB Locating stated main ideas

The main idea is key to understanding your reading.details which is more specific,support and illustrate the main idea like types of unusual foods,tongue,ants,alligator,kangaroo.Looking in the obvious spots help you to find the main idea more efficiently.Noticing clue words and categorizing ideas helps you to separate examples and other supporting ideas from the larger,main points,so the relationships between ideas become clear.Some main ideas are stated directly in a reading and are easy to identify.Others are implied,and you must infer their meaning from the reading and then restate them in your own words.Implied main ideas and strategies for detecting them will be explored.


Summary and ex's
Assumption is something we take for granted,something we accept prematurely as being true,something we do not check out carefully and do not recognize that we have made an assumption until it causes a problem for us.It can be conscious or unconscious,warranted or unwarranted.Hidden assumption are unconscious assumptions that are greatly influence a line of form of example-stereolypes where as another type is value assumptions or basic unexamined beliefs that unconsciously influence our thinking.
What is an Assumption
Assumption=premise;a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn."on the assumption that he has been injured we can infer that he will not play";a hypothesis that is taken for granted,"any society is built upon certain assumption"the act of taking possession of or power over something.his assumption of office coincided with the trouble in cuba"."the Nazi assumption of power in 1934""he acquired all the company's assets for ten million dollars and the assumption of the company's debts"

chap-4 Inference TFY

Summary and ex
Inference means to derive by reasoning ,conclusion and to guess.It can be used as a strategy in planning and choosing alternatives.It detects and consultants all kind of valued for their ability to examine facts,imagination,reasoning to link with explanation and generalization ties to all information together into meaningful whole.
is the mental process of looking for reasons for beliefs,conclusion,action or feeling.Humans have the ability to engage in reasoning about their own reasoning using introspection.Different forms of such reflection on reasoning occur in different fields.
A conclusion is the final section of an essay in which the writer ties together what was presented in the passage,summing up the main point, explaning how the thesis was proven and successfully and doing the discussion.
Think,expect,believe or suppose.A message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence
An explanation is a statement which points to causes,context and consequence of some object,process,state of affairs etc together with rules or laws that link these to the object.
To derive by reasoning,conclude or judge from premises or evidence.
It is the act or process of deriving a conclusion based solely on what one already knows
To make sense of,assign or meaning to,give an interpretation or explanation to.Interpretation is the process of establishing ,either simultaneously oral or gestural communication between two or more speakers who are not able to use the same set of symbols.

chap-4 CRCB Inference

Summary on Managing your reading time

A daily reading plan is a prioritized list of reading tasks for all the classes.Knowing your specific reading rates will help to organize both general and daily reading plans.However,there are several steps to organize your schedule in an effective manner.You need to understand and remember the information from each class.
keep your watch in front of you while studying and examine the length of average time for each different subject.
keep track of your reading rates,so that you can make a realistic daily reading plan and progress in your reading cabability

Monday, March 3, 2008

chap-3 Remembering what you read from CRCB

Memory is the process of storing and retrieving information and as in any process,successive steps or stages are essential for it to work.There are three stages in the memory process are sensory memory,short-term memory and long term memory.
sensory memory-is the first stage in the memory process.New information enters your brain via your senses of taste,smell,sight,touch and hearing but your sensory memory retains this information only for a fraction of a second.
Short term memory-
is the second stage in the memory process,like sensory memory it is temporary and limited in its' capacity.Information stays for about 20 to 30 seconds,but it can be stored in your short term memory for several minutes.
Long term memory-
is the third and final stage in the memory process.Information cannot be permanently stored there until it has passed through both the sensory and short term memory stages.The most efficient way of storing information is to use such as organizing newly learned information,mastering difficult vocabulary ,connecting new information with information you already know,going beyond the textbook,reviewing and teaching the new information to someone else.Mnemonic are recall techniques that can help you retrieve information once it has been learned and stored properly.

chp-3 FACTS from TFY

A fact is something known with certainty through experience,observation,or measurement that can be objectively demonstrated and verified how that people agree corresponds to reality.This can only be determined over time with repeated feedback and testing.Facts are not the equivalent of truths or reality,they are best,only our decisions about what seems to be most real.Human beings need facts because they need certainties in order to proceed through the world.But we should not forget that human beings are fallible.It is our interpretations of what is real and true.

chap quiz
  1. Some facts can be determined by measurements.True
  2. Some facts can be confirmed by the senses,others by records.True
  3. Th most reliable facts are those that have been repeatedly confirmed by tests over time.True
  4. Facts often consist of obvious details that are seen but not consciously recognized.False
  5. Sometimes what we claim to be facts are untrue because the human perceptions used to determine them are limited and fallible.True
  6. A person educated in critical thinking qualifies statements to reflect probabilities and uncertainties using provisional phrases such as 'it appears that True
  7. The only standards we use to determine facts are verifiability,reliability,plausibility and credibility.False
  8. The study of many subjects consists of memorizing facts because they are the nearest things we have to certainties.False
  9. All newspapers can be depended upon as reliable sources of facts about world events.False
  10. An Atmosphere that permits disagreements about widely accepted perceptions and beliefs helps critical thinking to flourish.True

chap-1 mmap,CBCR

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Summary on chap-2,CRCB n ex's on pg on 36

Summary on Developing your college vocabulary
Developing your vocabulary is about learning or understanding the words of textbooks information.It builds an important reading strategies and increase your ability to speak and write well to communication effectively.It allows you to fully understand and increase your word power and chances of getting job of your choice what you desire for.
These strategies include using context clues,word analysis ,writing in your textbook,creating word maps,understanding denotation and connotation,journal writing.An important way to make new words apart of your regular vocabulary is to use them in your everyday speech and writing.Writing in your journal daily helps you.
Ex-2a on pg-36
  1. the child was able to assuage his irate father with a smile and a small kiss on his cheek.A grin slowly replaced the father's angry frown.b-Soothe
  2. she was so overcome with joy by the birth of her baby that she was able to say nothing other than that the whole experiece was simply ineffable.c-incapable of being expressed in words.
  3. most of us eventually reach our goals,but life's path to success is often a circuitous one.c-marked by roundabout or indirect procedures.
  4. the preacher took a pedagogic approach with his sermon,hoping that those attending would learn something meaningful from it.a-instructional
  5. although teaching is not a lucrative profession,i know that i wouldn't want to do anything else.helping others learn is far more important to me than money.c-well paying
  6. buying a lottery ticket is a very capricious way to plan for your future.the chances of winning are 1 in 10,ooo,ooo.d-unpredictable.EX 2b)1.Alcoholism exacts a horrible toll on the drinker and on the drinker's family,but the damage doesn't stop there.drunk driving,workplace losses,and issues related to alcohol abuse.the search for effective methods of intervention has never been more intense.b-forces.(2)The natural circadian rhythm of most animals,including humans,is 25 to 26 hours,but our internall clocks easily adapt to the 24-hour rhythms of the turning earth.when we are isolated from environmental cues,our sleep/wake cycles continue to be rather constant but slightly longer than 24 hours.b-Daily behavioral cyle.(3)when the commissioner of indian affairs took office in 1933,he vowed to defend indian rights.the conciliatory attitudes of the commissioner ad the indian office,regarding indian rights,conformed with legal precedents established by state and federal courts.b-agreeable,accommodating.(4)our own daily rhythms can become desynchronized when we take a cross country or transoceanic flight.if you fly from los angeles to new york and then go to bed at 11pm.Eastern standard time,you may have trouble falling asleep because your body is still on west coast time.ans-broken or full apart.(5)if my argument so far has been sound,neither our distance from a prevetable evil nor the number of other people who,in respect to that evil are in the same situation as we are,lessens our obligation to mitigate or prevent that evil.i shall therefore take as established the principle i asserted i have already said,i need to assert it only in it's qualified form;if it is in our power to prevent something bad from happening,without thereby sacrificing anything else morally significant,we ought,morally,to do it.ans-Seize,stop.EX-2c root-aqua,defination-water ,example aquarium 2.root-cur,defi-run,example-curret.3.sen/sent,feel,sentimetal.4 vis,see,vision.EX-2d 1.equal-same,similar.2)ircumscribe-event,situation.3)predict-expect,girt.4)untenable-not able to held or excessive.5)currently-recently.6)extend-to expand or give more time.7)extensible-cabable to be extended.8)scribble-one who write or copies writing.9)retentive-recover.10)remit-to send back or remind.EX-2E a)prefix-auto,defination-self,example-autobiography.b)bene-well,good-benefactor.c)co-with,together,coalesce.d)de-away,from-detach.e)dis-apart-disconnect.EX-2f A prefix that means good or well is bene,benefit,benediction.2)A prefix that means out is Ex-exist-exfoliate.3)A prefix that means skill is techn-technology-technical.4)A prefix that means bad is mal-malevolent-malicious.5)A prefix that means against is anti-antibacterial-antivirus.6)A prefix that means half is semi-semicolon-semisweet.7)A prefix that means after is meta-metabolic-metallic.8)A prefix that means many is nulti-multiple-metallic.9)A prefix that means more than usual is hyper-hyperactive-hypervetilate.10)Aprefix that means before is ante-antecedent-antemeridian.EX-2G-suffix able/ible,defination-able to be,example-legible.2)ful-full of -harmful,beautiful.3)ious-characterized-auspicious.4)less-without-penniless.EX-2H who professes knowledge-professor.2)able to mend-mendable.3)full of spite -spiteful.4)like a mother-motherhood.5)characterized by harmony-harmonious.6)a beginning,start or graduation-preparation.7)sad at feeling alone-sadness.8)a scientist who specialises in chemistry-chemist.9)the act,practise,or profession of istructing-instructor.10)unable to manage by oneself.dependent-dependant.EX-2I1.harmlessly-harm.2.controversially-controversy.3.commercialization-commercial.4talkatively-outspoke.5.mindlessness-mind.6.simplisstically-simple.7.neighbourliness-neighbour.8.wakefulness-wake.9.peacefully-peace.10.sinfulness-sin.EX-2j1)maltreat-to treat badly,to abuse.2)autonomous-self worth.3)emit-to duke away.4)fidelity-to be faithful.5)convey-to agree or give regards.6)equivocal-equilibrium.7)posthumous-after.8carnal-flash.9)misogynist-wrong.10)synchronized-together.


Summary on chapter-2
Clear thinking depends on a clear understanding of the words we use.Word confusion leads to less consciousness or disequilibrum,which can only be restored through word classification.The test of our understanding of a word is our ability to define it.This ability is particularly important for words representing key ideas that we wish to explain or defend.Taking the time to define the words we use is an essential preliminary to genuine communication.

chapter quiz on pg-62
  1. when Frederick Douglass grasped the concept of abolition,he understood it was possible for him to become free.False
  2. Words can be used to do a better or worse job of describing experiences but can never be more than transltions of the experiences themselves.False
  3. A dictionary can help us think better when we use it to clear up word confusion.True
  4. Definition of a word show the word's boundaries.True
  5. knowing the words for things helps us see them better.True
  6. we donot fully understand a word unless we can define it.True
  7. when people debate a tropic,understanding is greatly helped by their taking the time to define the key termsTrue
  8. Etymology gives us word histories.True
  9. pocket dictionaries are sufficient guides for a critical study of word meanings.False
  10. the word ohm comes from the sanskrit language and means the sound of creation.True
  11. according to most dictionaries,there is more than one acceptable spelling of the word cooperate.True
  12. the term French leave means to say good-bye with a big kiss.False
  13. the prefex in in the words insignificant and inflammable means not in latin.True
  14. the following words all contain the sound called a schwa;mass,polite,placement,bogus,visible.False
  15. the word nausea can be pronounced atleast three different ways.False
  16. the word round can function as six different parts of speech;adjective,noun,transitive and intransitive verb,adverb,and preposition.False
  17. Egregious comes from a latin word meaning standing out from the herd.True
  18. the word nadir in the phrase "the nadir of politics" means the highest point.False
  19. a cogent argument is a convincing one.True
  20. the word decimate means to dice something up into pieces.True

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Summary on chap1-Reading in college

Reading is an active process that depends on both an author's ability to convey meaning using words and your ability to create meaning from them.You need to constantly connect what you already know about the information to the words the author has written.
Learning journals is a technique that helps you to analyze reading strategies and assess your learning.Using a learning journal helps you remember 80to 90% of what you read.It also helps you to perseverance.Like any reading strategy,concentration takes practice before it will kick in automatically every time you open a textbook.
Learning styles,most of what we learn comes from what we hear(auditory learning) in lectures or an audiotapes;see visual learning through reading or watching people,videotapes or television,or touch and do kinesthetic learning by praticing techniques,drawing maps or creating outlines.Concentration blocks to recognize what distracts you when you are reading an important way to improve your concentration.Internal comes from inside you and external comes from your environment.Concentration technique improve your concentration from five technique.
  1. Checkmark monitor system,helps you monitor how many times you lose your concentration as you study
  2. Creating a study environment
  3. Creating a positive mental attitude
  4. Using your journal as a worry pad
  5. Writing a letter is especially helpful if you are distracted by internal and external distracters.


  1. i know that concentration is a skill that can be learned.Yes
  2. i have a study area,complete with study supplies and this area is used only for studyingYes
  3. i try to concentrate as i read,but my mind usually drifts to other things such as bills i have to pay or people i have to call.Yes
  4. if i get angry,i am unable to concentrate on my reading.Yes
  5. i know how to minimize all distraction.Yes
  6. i cannot read unless my house,or study environment is immaculate.Yes
  7. i have a system to let others know when i am reading and that i do not want to be disturbed.No
  8. i lose concentration easily when i am bored with what i am reading.Yes

Ex-1b-1.copying down everything your professor says(P)(2)-Revising lecture notes(Active)(3)-Reviewing sections of your textbook by summarizing and reciting information(Active).(4)-Reading each chapter straight through(Passive).(5)-Always begin reading by previewing each chapter and developing questions to help you focus(Active).(6)-Testing yourself on the information in your notes(Active)

EX-1c Distracters=External distracters come from our environment that include television,loud radio music,constant phone calls ,unexpected guest,friends,campus.Internal distracter mainly arrive from money problems,family problems,boredom,tution fee,mental disorganization.

EX-1d Finding your concentration baseline=when my study my biology tropic for 30min,mostly you need to memorize the part,function of the body.The chapter is pretty lengthy and i lost concentration for a total of almost 12times.i start to daydream,family ,friends back home and lots of new words and defination makes me loose my concentration.The check monitor reminds me of how many timesi lost my concentration as i read and after i reput my checkmark in my journal then i began to comeback to my sense and read again

Objective questin on pg=23

1.what was the problem that the author had in the essay?ans=She had to use the bathroom and couldnot find a bathroom stall on campus wide enough to accommodate her wheelchair.

2.How did she solve her problem?ans=she relieved herself outside in the meditation garden.

3what did her professor so when she told her about her problem and what she had to do to solve her problem?ans-She urges everyone to write a letter of protest.

4.what did the president of the school do when the author had a meeting with him to discuss the problem?ans-he said the school could not currently afford to build an accessible bathroom stall.

5-what did the author do to helf resolve the problem?ans-she started passing petitions around and found that most students supported her.

post test part-1pg-26,objective question

1.reading is a process where the author conveys meaning and you receive it.true

2.using a learning journal can help build concentration.true

3.concentration is the ability to focus exclusively on a task.true

4.internal distracters should be accepted because they happen to everybody.true

5.the checkmark monitoring system helps you to monitor your concentration.true

6.people learn new information only by using their preferred learning style.false

7.a worry pad is a letter that you write to someone who has made you angry.false.

2a-what helps you mentally prepare to read a reading assignment?previewing

b-why are learning journals helpful?they help you analyze your learning behaviour.

c-what is your preference for how you learn new information called?kinesthetic appeal

d-what is a key to concentrating well?finding a quiet space to study

e-which of the following is not an example of active reading?copying a chapter in a notebook

objective ques on pg 29

1.why was the author driving to the scene?to take pictures for the enquirer

2.what did the grandfather actually say happened?he was backing up to spread some dirt.

3.why did the author not take the picture?he didn't want to intrude on the grandfather's sadness

4.why was the scene in the kitchen described s a perfect picture?every element of the picture-grandfather,the child,th home told the story.

5at the time the author was a tv reporter

chapter1TFY,Summary on observation and quiz38

Observation is a process of sensing,perceiving and thinking.Sensing is collecting data through the sense organs.perceiving is holding sense data in consciousness untill we can categorize and interpret it.It requires us to stay awake,take our time,give full attention and suspend thinking in an attitude of listening.It help us to discover new knowledge,self understanding and recognize our strengths and weaknesses.
TYFChap1quiz p38
  1. Observation skills are learned mainly through book for answer;on the contrary observation is learned from participation,which is more active and spontaneous than reading.samuel scrudder learned abserving through the active coaching of his teacher agassiz as well as from his own efforts,curiosity,and persistence in studying his fish.False
  2. The standard academic study of all the physical sciences requires observation skills,whether in the field or laboratoryTrue
  3. In thinking ,the correctness of our conclusions usually depends on the clarity of our perceptionsTrue
  4. Observation skills can be extended to observing how you observeTrue
  5. An insight is an experience of understanding that can occur spontaneously after we observe something intently for a while.One illustration of this experience is the story of Archimedes,who,while in his bath,discovered the means of measuring the volume of an irregular solid by the displacement of waterTrue
  6. Agassiz was simply too busy to give his student all the assistance he needed.False
  7. Perception and sensation are synonyms.True
  8. Assimilation,according to piaget,is an experience of easily understanding something that readily fits into our preexisting schemes or worldview.True
  9. It is difficult to feel sensation and to think at the same time.if we want to feel whether a pair of new shoes fits properly ,we have to pay attentionTrue
  10. The word thinking ,according to the dictionary,has only one meaning.False

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Introduction of myself to criticalthinkingeng75maya

My name is Maya Gurung.I'm from Manang,Nepal.It lies in the eastern part of a himalayan region.My Parents, they are originally from Manang but it's been more than thirty years since they transferred to,i was born and bought up in Kathmandu itself.Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal.
i completed my high school from Dr Graham's homes in was founded in 1900 by Daddy Graham.It is a small town in a hill station in West Bengal,India.There are many students from different places like Nepal,Sikkim,Calcutta,Bangladesh etcc.Some of my friends are in India while others are in United States for their further studies.My hobbies are listening to music,reading books and I love Sports specially basketball and swimming.Infact,I was considered as one of the best swimmer in my School days.
Apart from an entertainment activites,I also help my mother with domestic work.I like to cook,wash dishes and clean an environment.I went to a boarding School since i was six and often visit my parents during a vacation.So,when i came to United states,it wasn't that difficult to adjust.I didn't feel left alone,homesick because i was surrounded by different people from different background,culture and all of them have been so friendly,kind and helpful to me.Moreover,there are lots of Nepali students in Lincoln University so,i feel more like a family members,a sweet home in a new place.
I have six members in my family.Two sisters elder to me and one younger brother.My eldest sister is a nun(A Buddhist nun).She stays in a monastry and follow the buddhism path to have a healthy life for the next future generation.My other sister and brother are in Los Angelos.My sister is working in UCLA as a nurse and brother is studying in a business field.My father is a businessman.He imports all spare parts of motorcycle and accessories from Thailand and distribute it in and outside the valley but now he retired.I like to hangout with my friends and go out for a window shopping,watching movies and eating popcorns but i hardly have any friends here in United States.I am here as a foreign student and it's been almost two weeks since i arrived here in US.but am sure i'll have soon.
Carmen is my friend from English and Biology class.She helped me alot on the first day of my School.She is from China nd it's really interesting to know about the culture,hobbies and tradition life from a different native country.I have had always wanted to meet new people,socialise,new places and to experience about new thing.As i arrived here in Sanfransisco for the first time.At that moment it was raining most of the time so i got fewer,cough,cold for almost two weeks but now,the weather is perfectly fine and I'm enjoying the sunny day,a healthy environment and mostly the people of sanfransico are cool.