Monday, March 3, 2008

chp-3 FACTS from TFY

A fact is something known with certainty through experience,observation,or measurement that can be objectively demonstrated and verified how that people agree corresponds to reality.This can only be determined over time with repeated feedback and testing.Facts are not the equivalent of truths or reality,they are best,only our decisions about what seems to be most real.Human beings need facts because they need certainties in order to proceed through the world.But we should not forget that human beings are fallible.It is our interpretations of what is real and true.

chap quiz
  1. Some facts can be determined by measurements.True
  2. Some facts can be confirmed by the senses,others by records.True
  3. Th most reliable facts are those that have been repeatedly confirmed by tests over time.True
  4. Facts often consist of obvious details that are seen but not consciously recognized.False
  5. Sometimes what we claim to be facts are untrue because the human perceptions used to determine them are limited and fallible.True
  6. A person educated in critical thinking qualifies statements to reflect probabilities and uncertainties using provisional phrases such as 'it appears that True
  7. The only standards we use to determine facts are verifiability,reliability,plausibility and credibility.False
  8. The study of many subjects consists of memorizing facts because they are the nearest things we have to certainties.False
  9. All newspapers can be depended upon as reliable sources of facts about world events.False
  10. An Atmosphere that permits disagreements about widely accepted perceptions and beliefs helps critical thinking to flourish.True

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