Thursday, March 13, 2008

chap-7 CRCB Using Inference to Identify Implied Main Ideas

Inference is a skill you practice everyday,inferring meaning from textbooks and other college reading material requires you to use specific strategies such as detecting an author's bias,noting comparisons and recognizing information gaps and to understand purpose of tone and use of key words and emotive language can be used as clues to his or her implied main idea.
In order to fully understand a reading assignment,one need to read the material and combine what is stated with the additional information you generate using inference as a tool.

chap-7 TFY Evaluation

Summary and ex's on chap-7 Evaluation

Evaluation make judgments about worth on the basis of standards that may be conscious or unconscious.It help us to react quickly to situations in which our survival is at stake but the same tendency to evaluate first instead of last may be problematic when we don't reexamine our evidence to make sure our evaluation is warranted.
Connotative words convey evaluations that can be used to sway our opinions.when we think critically,we recognize how these connotations affect our feelings so that we can choose or not choose to accept the opinions they contain.

Judge-determine the result of a competition,a public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice.
Appraise-to estimate the value of real estate
Estimate-an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth"an estimate of what it would take
Worth-an estimate of what it would cost.a rough idea how long it would take
Value=a numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed;the quality (positive or negative)that renders something desirable or valuable
Evaluate-in this final stage of multimedia development,the focus on evaluating the presentations effectiveness in light of its purpose and the assessment context

chap-7,TFY Evaluation

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

chap-6 CRCB Finding supporting details

Details are specific pieces of information that serve as the "arms and legs"of the main idea.They are usually presented as facts,opinions,examples,illustrations,explanations or definitions and are frequently discovered by asking questions.In order to understand a paragraph ,you need to be able to pinpoint the topic and locate the main idea.It is the "key concept" being expressed.It supports the main idea by telling how,what,when,where,why,how much,or how many.Location the topic,main idea and supporting details helps you understand the points ,the writer is attempting to express.Identifying the relationship between these will increase your comprehension.

chap-6 TFY Opinions

Opinions is based on an understanding of evidence and risks in a situation and is important and highly valued.It can be well substantiated or not.They can be based either on reasons or solely on whim,feelings,emotions or prejudice.We recognize the difference between responsible and irresponsible opinion and that we distinguish statements based on evidence from statements based solely on feelings.
  1. Expert opinion calculates the risk involved in spacing the gap between the known and the unknown for a particular situation.True
  2. Giving advice is not a way of offering an opinion.False
  3. The result of public opinion polls are equivalent to votes in elections.False
  4. Opinions in the forms of judgment state what is right and wrong,bad and good.True
  5. Some opinion are based on generalizations,such as stereotype,as in the statement"All Chinese look alike.True
  6. Responsible opinions are based on a careful examination of the evidence.False
  7. Opinion are the same as facts.False
  8. Gossip is opinion sharing without any requirement for substantiation.True
  9. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion because all opinion carry equal value.False
  10. Prevailing sentiment refers to popular opinion that changes with the times.True

chap-5 CRCB Locating stated main ideas

The main idea is key to understanding your reading.details which is more specific,support and illustrate the main idea like types of unusual foods,tongue,ants,alligator,kangaroo.Looking in the obvious spots help you to find the main idea more efficiently.Noticing clue words and categorizing ideas helps you to separate examples and other supporting ideas from the larger,main points,so the relationships between ideas become clear.Some main ideas are stated directly in a reading and are easy to identify.Others are implied,and you must infer their meaning from the reading and then restate them in your own words.Implied main ideas and strategies for detecting them will be explored.


Summary and ex's
Assumption is something we take for granted,something we accept prematurely as being true,something we do not check out carefully and do not recognize that we have made an assumption until it causes a problem for us.It can be conscious or unconscious,warranted or unwarranted.Hidden assumption are unconscious assumptions that are greatly influence a line of form of example-stereolypes where as another type is value assumptions or basic unexamined beliefs that unconsciously influence our thinking.
What is an Assumption
Assumption=premise;a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn."on the assumption that he has been injured we can infer that he will not play";a hypothesis that is taken for granted,"any society is built upon certain assumption"the act of taking possession of or power over something.his assumption of office coincided with the trouble in cuba"."the Nazi assumption of power in 1934""he acquired all the company's assets for ten million dollars and the assumption of the company's debts"

chap-4 Inference TFY

Summary and ex
Inference means to derive by reasoning ,conclusion and to guess.It can be used as a strategy in planning and choosing alternatives.It detects and consultants all kind of valued for their ability to examine facts,imagination,reasoning to link with explanation and generalization ties to all information together into meaningful whole.
is the mental process of looking for reasons for beliefs,conclusion,action or feeling.Humans have the ability to engage in reasoning about their own reasoning using introspection.Different forms of such reflection on reasoning occur in different fields.
A conclusion is the final section of an essay in which the writer ties together what was presented in the passage,summing up the main point, explaning how the thesis was proven and successfully and doing the discussion.
Think,expect,believe or suppose.A message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence
An explanation is a statement which points to causes,context and consequence of some object,process,state of affairs etc together with rules or laws that link these to the object.
To derive by reasoning,conclude or judge from premises or evidence.
It is the act or process of deriving a conclusion based solely on what one already knows
To make sense of,assign or meaning to,give an interpretation or explanation to.Interpretation is the process of establishing ,either simultaneously oral or gestural communication between two or more speakers who are not able to use the same set of symbols.

chap-4 CRCB Inference

Summary on Managing your reading time

A daily reading plan is a prioritized list of reading tasks for all the classes.Knowing your specific reading rates will help to organize both general and daily reading plans.However,there are several steps to organize your schedule in an effective manner.You need to understand and remember the information from each class.
keep your watch in front of you while studying and examine the length of average time for each different subject.
keep track of your reading rates,so that you can make a realistic daily reading plan and progress in your reading cabability

Monday, March 3, 2008

chap-3 Remembering what you read from CRCB

Memory is the process of storing and retrieving information and as in any process,successive steps or stages are essential for it to work.There are three stages in the memory process are sensory memory,short-term memory and long term memory.
sensory memory-is the first stage in the memory process.New information enters your brain via your senses of taste,smell,sight,touch and hearing but your sensory memory retains this information only for a fraction of a second.
Short term memory-
is the second stage in the memory process,like sensory memory it is temporary and limited in its' capacity.Information stays for about 20 to 30 seconds,but it can be stored in your short term memory for several minutes.
Long term memory-
is the third and final stage in the memory process.Information cannot be permanently stored there until it has passed through both the sensory and short term memory stages.The most efficient way of storing information is to use such as organizing newly learned information,mastering difficult vocabulary ,connecting new information with information you already know,going beyond the textbook,reviewing and teaching the new information to someone else.Mnemonic are recall techniques that can help you retrieve information once it has been learned and stored properly.

chp-3 FACTS from TFY

A fact is something known with certainty through experience,observation,or measurement that can be objectively demonstrated and verified how that people agree corresponds to reality.This can only be determined over time with repeated feedback and testing.Facts are not the equivalent of truths or reality,they are best,only our decisions about what seems to be most real.Human beings need facts because they need certainties in order to proceed through the world.But we should not forget that human beings are fallible.It is our interpretations of what is real and true.

chap quiz
  1. Some facts can be determined by measurements.True
  2. Some facts can be confirmed by the senses,others by records.True
  3. Th most reliable facts are those that have been repeatedly confirmed by tests over time.True
  4. Facts often consist of obvious details that are seen but not consciously recognized.False
  5. Sometimes what we claim to be facts are untrue because the human perceptions used to determine them are limited and fallible.True
  6. A person educated in critical thinking qualifies statements to reflect probabilities and uncertainties using provisional phrases such as 'it appears that True
  7. The only standards we use to determine facts are verifiability,reliability,plausibility and credibility.False
  8. The study of many subjects consists of memorizing facts because they are the nearest things we have to certainties.False
  9. All newspapers can be depended upon as reliable sources of facts about world events.False
  10. An Atmosphere that permits disagreements about widely accepted perceptions and beliefs helps critical thinking to flourish.True

chap-1 mmap,CBCR